Bandoeng                     Kareës                    West-Java


                                                                                                                                                                                May 9, 2011






 1. Japanese camp commander

10. Old ladies’ home

 2. Dutch camp leaders

11. Old men’s home

 3. Soup kitchen, food service, rice storage

12. Charcoal storage shed

 4. Hospital, special needs kitchen

13. Warehouse

 5. Hospital complex with diphtheria ward

14.  Dispensary

 6. Dentist

15. Canteen, baby food & milk supplies

 7. Psychiatric ward, convalescent center

16. Church, school, high school, scout house

 8. Sewing center (for the Japanese)

17. Catholic Church

 9. Children’s center




Source: H. A. M. Liesker


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